Laura Ellena Harring was born on 3 March 1964 at Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico. Born in a small town in Mexico, Laura or "Laurita" as her family called her, grew up an extremely shy as well as a reclusive fragile young girl. Sick most of her childhood, Laura's mother found an alternative medical doctor that helped Laura get over the illness and this transformed her life forever. Laura who was taking adult dosages of medicine, abandoned them ambitiously to start dancing and imagine herself as an actress. On her journey to newfound health she jumped in feet first to an play an angel in the Christmas play ,"The Nativity Story".In her teens Laura went abroad to study at the prestigious boarding school, Aiglon College in Switzerland. It was here that Laura met the brother of her future husband of 2 years, before having an amicable separation to pursue her dream of becoming a talented and versatile actor. After graduation, pursuing her passion to travel, Laura took on the task of becoming a social worker in India, where she performed manual labor work, including building schools, planting trees and carrying heavy rocks to fix the extreme soil erosion problem, that hit the foothills of the Himalayas in the mid eighties.
Love in the Time of Cholera, Sara Noriega, Mike Newell, Nancy Drew Mystery in the Dreycott Mansion, Dehlia Dreycott, Andrew Fleming, On the Hook, The Sophisticated Lady, Richard Ledes, The King, Twyla Sandow, William Hurt/James Marsh, The Punisher, Lyvia Saint, Jonothan Hensleigh, Walkout, HBO, Eddie Olmos, Mulholland Drive, Rita/Camille, David Lynch

The Shield, Rebecca Doyle, Season 5

Misummer Nights Dream, Titiana, London Academy of Performing Arts, The Festival of Horrors, Various, Zoo District Theatre Company